Last week a got a call from Geoscience Australia telling me that unfortunately, I was unsuccessful in a job I applied for (they ranked me highly but found someone more experienced in data management). However, they said that there was another vacancy which they thought I would be better suited for, forwarded my details on and bang, I got the job. They were right, I'm much better suited to the role they gave me, rather than it being primarily data management it's doing hands on work with satellite imagery which is great!
Today was day one and I thought it was really sweet how a lot of people went out of their way to talk to make, joke around and the like - it seems like a very welcoming and supportive group, a very intelligent group as well - don't get me wrong, I thought most of the folk at Safework were lovely, but if I were to hear one more conversation about calories and gym workouts I was going to burst a blood vessel somewhere. The only catch is that I think I'm going to have to alter my sleeping patterns - several of the members of my team like to start work at 7:30am and finish and about 3:30. That's going to take some getting used to.
Even more wonderful is that some of my friends from WA are over for a conference and I caught up with them as well as the lovely Michelle and Suzi for drinks. I have a sneaking suspicion that one of them is going to try and strongly suggest I move back to Perth or at least back into the realms of academia. Perhaps, just not now. I don't think I could go though the hilarity of research again quite so quickly. Research assistant work I could do no problem, but the actual stuff, I'm not that sure about...
Meh, I need to do so ironing - more later