Friday, November 26, 2010

Moving along, too quickly sometimes

I can't believe it's almost the end of November, meaning that's it's almost the end of the year. I've been pretty impressed with 2010 so far so let's hope the last few weeks keep the standard up.

I've been in a bit of a mood these last couple of days, primarily because as of 4:30pm yesterday I became unemployed again - I had spent about 3 or so weeks working as an Executive Assistant for a family friend while a replacement was found and moves happened within the building. It wasn't thrilling work by any means but it was getting me out of the house and making my wallet pleased. Anyway the prospect of being unemployed again doesn't exactly thrill me, in part because I feel like I should be doing something more worthwhile with my time but primarily because when I meet new people and they ask me what I do for work I feel so uncomfortable saying I'm unemployed. I almost feel shame saying it which is silly because it's not as though I'm freeloading on welfare and not trying to find jobs - it just appears that the application process takes forever.

I'm pretty hopeful as far as one job I've applied for with Geoscience Australia is concerned - I had my interview last Thursday which I was really happy with, by Monday they'd emailled my referees so fingers crossed that pans out. The project would be so exciting and worthwhile (support work for the international forestry carbon initiative). I had another interview for a defence job on Monday, I'm not entirely sure how it went but I will be sure to never drink coffee again when I'm nervous, nor will I accidentally arrive 30 mins early again. It does nothing for anyone. The panel seemed nice and I thought I answered most of the questions fairly well (although I blethered), one question I had no idea about and said (almost) as much. I thought there would be limited point in me bsing about something I had no chance of getting right. Everything goes so slowly though! I'm not sure when I should be expecting to hear from GA, with defence, best case scenario I'll hear if I've passed this stage before Xmas, worst case, the end of January.

I've also been stressing a little about moving out. It all came up so quickly! I'm glad I've been at home for as long as I have been and it will do me good to move out. I've just ordered my bed today - a gorgeous looking futon - and hopefully on Monday I shall be purchasing a car! We'll see how it goes.

All from me for now

p.s. Most saddened, when I hopped in dad's car today to order said bed, the radio announcer informed me that Id just missed a performance by Pekka Kuusisto. Boo. I love him dearly...

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