Monday, May 30, 2011

Photo dump!

Now just pics. Soon more substance to follow. Also wanted to say I've just finished Snowdrop by A.D. Miller. It's by no means a long book but it's been a while I've been so engaged that I've finished  book in 2 days. It is very well written and is a chilling book with a sense of foreboding so great that you tear through the pages trying to work out if what's happened is as bad or worse than you think. It shows Moscow in all of its ugliness and cruelty, as well as some of its beauty - in some instances you are left with the same burning sensation the characters frequently experience as they shot back copious amounts of vodka. I don't have anything overly profound to say, but it's a book I would certainly recommend.

Frog in the Olsen Foyer, Melbourne

Room in the Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide

Jacob's Ladder, Perth

View from our apartment, Darwin

Fun statues, Darwin

Best ever real estate agent, Darwin

Magnetic Termite mounds, I love the way the ones in the background look like tombstones. Litchfield NP

Cathedral Termite Mount, Litchefield

Gorgeous waterfall, I swam under the one on the right, 

Fresh water croc!

Sunset in Darwin

eMDee, excellent band

Sadly the only photo I have of Hobart

Emporium - fancy foyer in Brisbane
Now the pics

Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's been a while

So it's been  a few months since I wrote anything down here so it's time to make amends. Life has been very exciting recently - for the last two weeks I've been frolicking around Australia with some of my work mates for jurisdiction meetings. It's hoped that the way data is collected nationally is going to have a bit of a face lift so the states, territories and commonwealth start doing thing with more of a national focus and look for future user needs rather than maintaining a business as usual approach. I won't bore you with details of the meetings but want to jot down some highlights.

Melbourne - luckily people like to do things with very little notice. I had no idea how much spare time would be at my disposal and whether my friend Toby, who I haven't seen since I was about 19 or so, even had the same number or was in town. Luckily the stars were aligned and I had a quick burger with him and some of his friends before they ran off for a choir rehearsal - they're performing "Carmina Burana". Ah the memories, a the questionable monks that wrote the lyrics.
We also stayed at a rather ridiculous and wonderful hotel called "The Olsen" - covered in works by the man himself. A pool with a partly glass floor and beds you can get lost in - I was highly content believe you me.

Adelaide. Adelaide is an odd place - the cbd seems to be a city of some gorgeous old buildings with hideous monstrosities interspersed between. Planners, what are you going? Also the water was awful. In my afternoon off I caught up with another friend Alistair who suggested I check out the art gallery there where none other than the works of Patricia Piccinini, whom I love for her work "The Stags" (and loved her new work "The lovers which I'll put a pic up of soon)
I wasn't quite as fond of her life forms with evolved mutant properties - it is hardly the point to - but I think the  questions she raises about gene manipulation and stem cell research with them are very valid.
I love the fact that the Adelaide CBD is surrounded by park lands - I had a wonderful run in them and loved the Alice in Wonderland Statues there.

Perth - Hurrah my old stomping ground. I felt very mixed about Perth - don't get me wrong, I was thrilled to be there and catch up with all of my wonderful friends who just seem to be lurching from strength to strength and turned out en force to see me (thanks guys!) but it just made me realise how much I loved my time there and how much I miss it as well. I love being in Canberra but I guess it was the first time I was establishing myself on my own terms (gap year doesn't really count) and was living with Brendan rather than being in a long distance relationship yet again. I was amused to see what's changed (more Little Cesars and San Churros! Friends buying property! ) and what really hasn't (The CBD is full of construction work seriously inhibiting anyone's ability to actually drive through it). The way Northbridge has gone is pretty sad - the amount of club related violence led for a new security measure to be taken: now when you enter a club they take a photo of you with the ID you have so if you start anything they know exactly who you are. Also met a lot of lovely WASO folk - now I am officially 2 degrees of separation from Tim Minchin as he performed with them earlier in the year :D

Darwin, Hobart and Brisbane to come but I have to run off and buy frames for my gma's 80th bday present!

Monday, January 31, 2011


Well it's been a while since I last updated and things are going peachily. I had a lovely Xmas and New Year (the former being in Bateman's Bay, the latter in Sydney at Brendan's new apartment in Waterloo - very nice indeed!) and while things are going slowly at geoscience I very much enjoy working out there. So far so good although I find that whenever I get into a rhythm something will inevitably change, but this time it's most certainly for the better. This time the changes are as follows.
1. Soon I'll be moving out of the Ainslie house. I've actually quite liked it here, the house itself is nothing special but it suited me nicely in that it was cheap and I've had some time to myself. However, I decided that since I'm earning a decent wage now that I could afford better so soon I and my friend Steph, who I met at the end of last year, will be moving in together in Kingston. At present we're not sure where we will be but I see three key options: 1. formally renting from Steph's parents (I'm pretty happy with this option as the townhouse is lovely and in a great location and they're not charging too much for it at home) 2. potentially Reine's friend's place who is moving overseas – apparently amazing and certainly within budget. Will have to find out more. 3. Somwhere in the Brighton complex – this place looks lovely but is probably the least like option in that last week Steph and I went to an inspection and about 20 or so groups turned up. We decided not to put in for it, but it appears that this is not a good time to be looking...So yes, not this weekend but next weekend I shall be temporarily moving back in the with parentals (options 1 and 2 will be available in early march and the ainslie lease runs out on the 21st but the people taking over the least are happy to do so from the 8th. As I just paid this fortnight's rent, I figured I may as well stay that fortnight and lave a week early since I'll most likely be at the folk's for a week or so anyway (and the parents being the lovely people that they are, are happy to have me back :) )
2. Job change – so I got the second job at GA for the GIS position. Am most happy with this as it means I can refresh old skills, learn new skills and be in a more analytical role rather than data monkey role. It also adds to current plan: learn lots of GIS stuff and hopefully use these skills to undertake youth ambassadorship. The shift in job (and floor, I'm going up to 3rd, how exciting) means I will also not need to hear bizarre beliefs of  a work colleague: regarding the magical powers of crystals, abilities to meditate in the earth's core, how he was a dolphin in a previous life and how gaia gives us instructions through plants.
3. This is not a major change but my latest obsession is that I taken up geocaching. I love it, it's nerdy in the extreme but I really enjoy it. Everyone likes a treasure hunt!
I'm not sure whether I'll keep up with capoeira, I enjoyed the classes I did but it did annihilate my feet. Some friends were planning on taking up yoga so I think if they end up doing it, I'll join them. I think I'd feel less self concious and probably enjoy myself more. We will see...
What else, I've been reading a fair few books lately. To anyone wanting something I certainly recommend Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky (sp?) and The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery.
Ideally read these together as there are many parallels – both are highly critical of the French elite but in very different ways: Nemirovsky through holding a mirror up and showing how ridiculous the values and wants are, Barbery through direct criticism by one of the two narrators. I found both books to be extremely touching and beautiful (although I do wish there was slightly less philosophy in the Barbery's as my eyes, or in my case ears as I was listening to it, glaze over a little when character's talk about things that seem ever too slightly too much like Heidigger's Everydayness.
I've also reading “Cutting for Stone” which was a great book for the most part and gave me some insight into the modern history of Ethiopia. Unfortunately, I felt the author felt into the trap of coming up with a seemingly profound idea and making something completely contrived and unrealistic occur for it to be achieved. I find it so disappointing when this occurs – just like in “Cloudstreet” by Tim Winton, where this murderer comes out of nowhere. The sceptic in me just thought, well I suppose it could just legitimately be happening but it seems like a convenient plot device.
Another book which I thoroughly enjoyed was “Me talk pretty one day” by David Sedaris. I'd listened to a few of Sedaris' pieces on This American Life and have always enjoyed his work. This book was no exception and often I read bits to Brendan because I'd be laughing so much he'd want to know what was going (or, in Brendan's charming fashion, know that I'd want to share it and so ask me what was happening so he found be as “delighted” as me – I am a very lucky young lass).
I feel very lucky to be where I am and who I am at the moment. I'm surrounded by lovely family and friends, I have an active social life which is great and I feel like I'm going in the right direction. I'm more content now than I've been in quite a while.
P.s. My camera has died. Anyone have any recommendations for a point and shoot?